Moving Your Solution from Prototype to Production
The ability to test and qualify one of our adhesive film or thermal management materials within the scope of your desired pre-form is a critical step in order to approve all aspects of performance and overall footprint size or interior outline feature sizes, holes or pattern configurations.
At Streuter Fastel Timtel we understand the importance of the development phase and ready to support multiple prototype steps to meet your requirement of performance, functionality and handling/installation characteristics.
Whether you are needing a reliable thermal management material for an automotive inverter design or a custom heat seal foil for new type of diagnostic assay test configuration, we are here to assist you with your design and pre-form material requirements.
Prototype Processing
For assistance with selecting the appropriate process considering the scope of your pre-form and current objectives, contact us at 1-888-989-3832 or e-mail
Plotter Cut Prototypes
Quick turn-around pre-formed prototypes allowing initial sample testing within the scope of your desired outline. Nominal protoytpe charge may apply.
SRD Prototypes
Single cavity steel-rule die providing a pre-form that will match a production part with respect to standard dimensional tolerances. Nominal protoytpe charge may apply.
Laser Cut Prototypes
High precision with tightly spaced dimensions and/or tight dimensional tolerances required. Nominal prototype charge may apply.
Request More Information on Prototyping